In 1983, a group of Middleburg citizens decided to create a non-profit corporation—The Regional Library of Middleburg. The goal was to have a small branch library rather than a bookmobile service provided by Loudoun County.
The citizens raised funds locally, purchased new books and furniture, and renovated the Middleburg Health Center space donated by the Town of Middleburg to provide local library services. The grand opening was in July 1984.
For two years the facility operated with one paid librarian and a core of volunteers. In 1986, this library became a branch of Loudoun County Public library and the former board became an advisory board. The Regional Library of Middleburg became the Middleburg Library Advisory Board.
Through a bond referendum in 1986, several new library buildings were approved (Cascades, Lovettsville and Middleburg) and the result was the opening of the newly built Loudoun County Middleburg Library facility in February 1990. Land had been obtained through a generous contract between Loudoun County and the Middleburg Community Center, which provided a 99-year lease for one dollar. This contract states that as long as the building is a library, the lease is in effect, but all improvements revert to the community center if the facility is closed as a library.
A humorous article by the late Angus Thuermer was published in Middleburg Life in 1990 describing the original citizens’ project to build the library. The current work of the Advisory Board in expanding the Middleburg Library is a continuation of those earlier citizen initiatives.
There are six plaques in the entrance way to the current Middleburg Library that help today’s library users to remember the people involved in getting the library built. All the plaques are dated February 1990. They name the members of the Founding Committee in Fall 1983; the members of the Middleburg Community Center Board; the members of the Middleburg Library Advisory Board; the members of the Loudoun County Library Board of Trustees; the members of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors; significant benefactors.
Founding Committee:
Donald Musch; Nancy Fitzgerald; Ann Northrup; Paul Draisey; Tyler Gore; Mary Jo Jackson; Florence Kaye; Barbara Lazarsky; William Leach; Loyal McMillin; Harold Morency; Stephanie Pollock; Till Smith; Sue Swain; Alice Thuermer; Angus Thuermer; Susan Twining; Bryan Wright
Middleburg Community Center Board:
Mrs. M. Tyson Gilpin, President; James W. Stine, Vice President; Mrs. John LaGorce, Secretary; Mrs. G. Neville Turner, Treasurer; John D. Archibold; Robert B. Dale III; Mrs. Robert Eliot; Mrs. William Jay Gold; Richard E. Hall; Mrs. Thomas Jenkins; Mrs. Charles Pinnell, Jr.; George N. Slater; Mrs. John Sodolski; Mrs. James J. Wilson; Mrs. J.C. Herbert Bryant, Honorary Member
Middleburg Library
Advisory Board:
Nancy Fitzgerald, Chair; Marie-Christine Bryant; Mary Jo Jackson; Loyal D. McMillin; Ann Northrup; Stephanie Pollock; Till Smith; Martin K. Spilman; C. Langhorne Washburn, George White; Anne Lackman, ex officio
Loudoun County Library Board of Trustees:
Keith Raggio, Chair; Ron Carpenter, Vice Chair; Joan B. Alsop; Anne Bruce; Nancy Fitzgerald; Joyce Hardcastle; Eleanor Smith; Lurlene Willoughby (Nancy Fitzgerald was the Blue Ridge District representative)
Loudoun County Board of Supervisors:
Betty W. Tatum, Chairman; Charles A. Bos, Vice Chairman; Betsey J.S. Brown; James F. Brownell; Thomas S. Dodson; Ann B. Kavanagh; Howard P. Smith; Steve W. Stockman (Thomas S. Dodson was the Blue Ridge District supervisor)
All the members of this community whose work culminated in the founding of Middleburg Library. Particular recognition was extended to the following families, whose generosity and leadership were instrumental in the early years: Mr. and Mrs. C. Oliver Iselin, Jr.; Jane Forbes Clark; James Overman Welch; several generous, anonymous donors.
PO Box 1823
Middleburg VA 20118
101 Reed Street
Middleburg VA 20117
(540) 687-5730