Why Donate?
Much of what the library is able to do for our community is through your donations to the Middleburg Library Advisory Board, Inc. (MLAB) – the “friends” group dedicated to promoting the good work of our “small but mighty” library. Thanks to benefactors like you, the number and variety of programs the MLAB backs is remarkable.
Programs We Support
- Our popular Local Author Series, where hundreds of neighbors come to hear regional writers discuss their work
- Library Programing for curious minds of all ages (g., Mad Scientists! Snakes! a Petting Zoo!)
- Gifts of New Books/Media to residents of Levis Hill House and to the library’s youngest patrons
- Adult Book Club dedicated to non-fiction
- The ever-lovely jewel, the Summer Reading Program
In 2023, the MLAB awarded a record number of scholarships to be used by local students for educational materials as they head to college (the Charles Plante Book Scholarship and the Eura Lewis Scholarship).
How to Donate
By credit card online by clicking the button below
By check made directly to Middleburg Advisory Board, Inc. mailed to:
P.O. Box 1823
Middleburg VA 20118
Tax-deductible charitable contributions enable the MLAB to continue these and other efforts to enhance the library’s outreach and to make learning fun, rewarding, and accessible to all.

PO Box 1823
Middleburg VA 20118
101 Reed Street
Middleburg VA 20117
(540) 687-5730